is a one-stop center of care
for vulnerable people who need to be accompanied in legal, health and psychological terms for their rehabilitation. “CAJEM”s are established throughout the DRC.
BANDALUNGWA, GOMBE, KISENSO, MAKALA, KALAMU, LINGWALA, N’SELE AND SELEMBAO. Each CAJEM center operates with a qualified staff, consisting of a Social Assistant, a Psychologist and a Legal Assistant.
Since their creation in 1999, they are established as reception and guidance structures for children, girls and women victims of Sexual and Gender Based Violence, as well as orphans, widows and abandoned children. The CAJEM has 72 LIZADEEL volunteer lawyers, who accompany vulnerable people to justice for free. It also has 78 volunteer psychologists
who deal with the de-traumatization of the victims. CAJEM has the following functions.
- Reception of SGBV victims
- Data collection and documentation of SGBV cases
- Psychological support for voluntary testing of victims
- Medical referral to partner medical structures for quality medical care.
- legal assistance for prosecution of perpetrators.
For the City province of Kinshasa alone, LIZADEEL
has 12 CAJEM centers
located within the compounds of the Communal Houses of MASINA, KIMBANSEKE, N’DJILI, MOUNT NGAFULA,